The leading worldwide professional body for marine surveying, the International Institute of Marine Surveying, has launched a standalone professional qualification in marine corrosion. The qualification comprises 10 modules and is offered separately from the Institute’s two award-winning professional qualifications in marine surveying.
The course that supports the qualification is entitled ‘Marine Corrosion and Prevention in Small Vessels, Ships and Offshore Structures‘.
The programme has been written primarily with surveyors in mind, those whose job it is to inspect, understand and report on corrosion and is pitched at education level 4/5.
Who should study for this qualification?
The professional qualification in marine corrosion is intended for marine surveyors of yachts and small craft, ships and offshore structures. It is also relevant for design engineers, material specifiers, other professional engineers and students of marine science and engineering.
IIMS Chief Executive Officer, Mike Schwarz, said, “IIMS has made a significant investment to bring the Professional Qualification in Marine Corrosion to market. This is one of the most important new initiatives from the Institute since the award-winning IIMS Diploma in marine surveying was launched 20 years ago. Corrosion remains the one aspect of marine surveying where knowledge is vital. It is apparent that many people still have an insufficient depth of knowledge about corrosion and I expect this Professional Qualification will appeal to many.”
More information and a detailed Prospectus are available at